Big emotions/Little conflict

It’s been a big week with big emotions here.
My littlest big guy has been extra clingy and wanting extra hugs. I can feel my mind drifting to the BAS statement I need to lodge. The accounting I need to sort, and the blogs that need to be written.
Part of me wants to let him deal with his internal conflict alone. To put him down and tell him there is nothing to be upset about… But the other part of me got thinking.

I thought about how adults deal with conflict. I thought about how most adults have trouble dealing with conflict. How we are taught from a young age to get over it, or that it isn’t important. And in reality, the issue causing the conflict may not be hugely important but if it’s not dealt with it continues to grow and grow until emotions explode and all of a sudden, it’s out of control.
This is normally the point in time where Round Table Resolutions would come in and mediate to help the clients resolve their dispute and move forward. But imagine a world where we didn’t have too!
A world where conflict still existed but was able to be dealt with in a healthy way.

I imagined it. And I stopped thinking about BAS, about blogs and accounts. I focussed on talking my little man through his feelings and teaching him how to express and deal with his conflict in a healthy way.
Conflict has become a passion of mine. I love exploring, discussing, and resolving it.
I wouldn’t be much of a practitioner, or a parent for that matter, if I didn’t employ the same level of empathy, understanding and time in my own home as I did in my business!

As we edge closer to Christmas, and tensions and stress levels rise, it is a good time to stop and reflect about how we were taught to deal with conflict, and how we are teaching our children to do so.
And if you disputes do escalate or spiral out of control, we are always happy to assist.

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Round Table Resolutions - Krystal

Krystal Johnson, a family law solicitor and accredited mediator, offers professional mediation services to help you build effective communication skills and learn to work together again.

Talk to us to see how we can guide you towards an effective resolution to help you get on with your life.

Round Table Resolutions

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