When conflict leads to growth!

Blog - When conflict leads to growth! - Round Table Resolutions


  1. a serious disagreement or argument


  1. be incompatible or at variance; clash.

The very thought of conflict, disagreement, or arguments is often enough to make most people feel nervous. Whether at home, at work or even out in the street, everybody at some stage in their life has experienced conflict.

The butterflies, the racing heart, sweaty palms, and dry mouth are common effects, as is the inability to form a sentence, to remember valid points and to keep your emotions in check!

Don’t get me wrong. There are some people out there who excel in conflict. Who thrive in arguments and always seem to assert there position so easily that you barely have time for a fight or flight response before the conflict is over. For the rest of us mere mortals, conflict is an uncomfortable experience, one that can leave us feeling shook up days to weeks after it occurred.
Conflict can leave us questioning our beliefs, our values, and our actions.
But you know what? Questioning the above may not always be a bad thing!

The concept of Round Table Resolutions began to blossom for me at a time in my life where I was surrounded by conflict. As a Family Lawyer I was, and generally am, quite comfortable with conflict. But it wasn’t just in my role I found conflict.

As a Family Lawyer I was, and generally am, quite comfortable with conflict. But it wasn’t just in my role I found conflict. There was also conflict in my personal life. Conflict which I am now grateful for. In the space of a week, I left my job, and my relationship ended.

After that fateful week in January, I began to learn about conflict. About communication. And about resolutions. I learnt. And I grew. From conflict blossomed Knowledge. Experience. Understanding. Round Table Resolutions.

I wanted to help people gain the skills to resolve conflict in an amicable fashion. I wanted to help people understand the root cause of their conflict. I wanted to help people in communicating their issues effectively. But most of all, I wanted to help people maintain amicable working relationships after conflict.
This is what sets Round Table Resolutions apart from other dispute resolution services. We care about our client’s long-term relationships. Anyone can draft an agreement. Not many people however can put together an agreement that all clients genuinely benefit from and want to follow in order to maintain their relationship with the other party.

Whether it be workplace, business, or neighbour disputes, resolving matters so the clients have a working relationship in the future will provide long term satisfaction for the client, and long-term satisfaction for Round Table Resolutions.

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Round Table Resolutions - Krystal

Krystal Johnson, a family law solicitor and accredited mediator, offers professional mediation services to help you build effective communication skills and learn to work together again.

Talk to us to see how we can guide you towards an effective resolution to help you get on with your life.

Round Table Resolutions

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